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How to buy disc centrifuge?

2019-11-22 16:44:17

Disc centrifuge to control the feeding pressure and feeding speed: according to the characteristics of materials and process conditions, high-level trough feeding or pump feeding is used. When the nozzle diameter is fixed, the higher the inlet pressure, the higher the output. Under the same separation factors, the smaller the flow rate is, the smaller the centrifuge output is, and the better the separation effect is. It can be seen from the expression of separation factor "that the size of separation factor is directly proportional to the diameter of the drum. In the process of clarification and separation of tubular separator, although the drum is unchanged, the hollow diameter of the inner diameter of the drum becomes smaller and smaller with the increase of sediment, and the centrifugal force on the liquid decreases, so does the separation effect. Therefore, in order to maintain the same separation effect, the feed rate should be larger at the beginning and smaller at the beginning.

Disc centrifuge is one of the sedimentation centrifuges, which is used to separate difficult separation materials (such as suspension composed of viscous liquid and fine solid particles or emulsion composed of liquid with similar density). The disc centrifuge is a widely used settling centrifuge.

The main operating parameters of disc centrifuge are: rotating speed of drum, position of interface between clear liquid and heavy liquid, feeding speed, etc.

The main structural parameters of disc separator are: drum inner diameter, equivalent settlement area, disc size and total disc number, slag discharge mode and slag discharge mechanism.

When the solid-liquid separation is carried out, under the action of centrifugal force, the heavier solid materials are deposited on the drum wall to form a sediment layer, and the lighter liquid phase forms an inner liquid ring. The liquid phase flows upward along the drum axis and is discharged out of the machine through the liquid outlet at the upper part of the drum. The sediment is manually discharged after shutdown.

There are many kinds of centrifuges, which are usually classified from the following aspects:

(1) According to the size of the speed can be divided into: low-speed centrifuge, high-speed centrifuge and ultra-high-speed centrifuge;

(2) According to the requirements of temperature, it can be divided into ordinary centrifuge and frozen centrifuge;

(3) According to the different rotors, it can be divided into horizontal rotor centrifuge and angular rotor centrifuge;

(4) According to the size of the centrifuge volume can also be divided into: floor type centrifuge, desktop centrifuge, palm centrifuge, etc;

(5) According to the grade of centrifuge, it can be divided into ordinary centrifuge and precision centrifuge.

Ordinary centrifuges do not have many functions and are not accurate in terms of speed and capacity. For example, the high speed of an ordinary centrifuge is 5000 rpm, but the actual speed cannot reach 5000 rpm. Such a centrifuge is only suitable for ordinary centrifugation work, such as: separation of serum, concentrated urine, etc.

Precision centrifuge has many functions, accurate speed and capacity. It is suitable for some experiments with high requirements for centrifuge, such as PCR experiment, blood component separation (mostly used in blood station), etc.

Choose ordinary centrifuge, according to the size of the workload, mainly from two aspects of speed and capacity. The following is a detailed introduction to the problems that should be paid attention to when purchasing precision centrifuges:

Speed: centrifuges are divided into low-speed centrifuges (30000rpm / min) according to different high-speed rotating speed. Each centrifuge has a rated high-speed, which refers to the speed under no-load condition, but the large-scale speed varies according to the type of rotor and the size of sample mass.

Disc centrifuge


Next article:How does a disc centrifuge work?2019-11-25

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